Consistency, Clarity, and Making Sh*t Happen (For Real This Time)

Picture this Reader.

A bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, overly caffeinated Catie, five years ago, scribbling away the following words in her 12-week-year journal. “In five years, I’ll be 30 years old,” followed by a laundry list of dreams that would make even the most ambitious go-getter raise an eyebrow.

For context, the 12-Week Year is a productivity/planning workbook that I found when I was brand-new to the personal development scene but still love today. The principles in the 12-Week Year helped me shape how I created my brand and the 1:1 12-Week Brand Mentorship Program (okay, back to the story now).

Fast forward to today, and I’m staring at that same list, reading it out loud, laughing at some dreams and wincing at others.

Why? Because not a single one has come true. Not. One.

  • Married to Kyle (Nope)
  • Couple of Kids (Nope)
  • Dream home on 40 acres (Nope)
  • Multi-million dollar business (Nope)
  • Being financially secure enough to support my mom (Nope)

(Well… this is awkward 😵‍💫)

But wait, it gets better (or worse, depending on how you look at it).

Remember that productivity bible, “The 12 Week Year”? I’ve attempted to complete it… wait for it… FOUR times.

Spoiler alert: I never made it past week 3. Ever.

The main reason?

No one knew I was doing it.

I skipped out on one of the book’s central themes: Accountability.

I’m not saying that the vision I wrote for myself five years ago would have come true by now if I had someone to hold me accountable for it (especially things that aren't entirely in my control, like when I'll have kids or get married).

  • But I might have set more realistic goals within those 12 weeks if I had told them to someone else.
  • I might have been more consistent with holding myself to the day-to-day tactics required to reach those goals if someone else was there to call me on my shit.

Sound familiar? If you’re nodding along, cringing at the thought of whatever goals you set in the new year, welcome to the club.

I haven’t looked at 2024 goals since I hit the mid-year post-sabbatical reset button on my re-brand.

Summer isn’t quite over (despite the occasional “fall is coming” reels that are haunting my feed).

Even if you are a chronic goal-setter & forgetter, there is still time to make sh*t happen for your brand & Here’s your chance

[Save $900 as a beta tester]

12 weeks from now, a lot could change. By Black Friday, you could be:

  • Launching that website, you’ve been putting off since… forever
  • Creating content that makes your audience go, “Are you reading my mind?”
  • Growing your email list faster than you can say “lead magnet”
  • Planning and executing your most successful launch yet

With help from the 1:1 Accountability & Feedback inside the 12 week 1:1 Brand Mentorship Program.

This offer is back & better than ever & I’m offering 5 beta spots for it at 30% off. But hurry, applications close on August 25th. Click this link for all the deets.

Keep Reading For Newsletter Highlights

  • The unexpected thing that saves you time and makes creating content consistently way easier.
  • I owe this to Catie 5 years from now.
  • RSVP Free Co-working Sessions this week

The unexpected thing that saves you time and makes creating content consistently way easier.

Let's face it: building a brand and accomplishing your goals while juggling client work, self-care, your personal life, travel plans, and creating content to market your brand can feel downright impossible.

I could tell you to block your time, prioritize tasks, and set clear goals. And yeah, all of those things will help. They are great strategies.

But strategy doesn’t always equal consistency.

If you want to make creating content and working on your brand feel like less of a fruitless, overwhelming time suck and start to feel effective (and dare I say fun?) here’s what you can do:

  1. Get clear on your personal brand, how you want to show up as the founder of your brand, and what that looks like on a day-to-day basis.
  2. Get confident in your point of view, the voice you want to use, and the problems your offers solve.
  3. Get support from someone who can hold you accountable to your brand's goals, execute a plan to achieve them, and create strategies that align with your long-term goals (I’m looking at you five years from now, @name).

BTW I can be ↑ that ↑ someone for you. Together, we can:

  • Find the time for you to work on your brand/create content with access to weekly co-working sessions + 1:1 mentorship calls.
  • Figure out the sticky spots that are holding your brand back from converting + create strategies to fix that shit.
  • Break down your brand’s big goals into actionable milestones and day-to-day tactics.

By the end of our 12 weeks together, you could be:

  • Launching that website, you've been putting off since... forever
  • Creating content that makes your audience go, "Are you reading my mind?"
  • Growing your email list faster than you can say "lead magnet."
  • Planning and executing your most successful launch yet

Ready to make sh*t happen for your brand? Apply now for the 12-Week Brand Mentorship Program and save $900 as a beta tester. This offer is only available until August 25th, so don't wait!


Despite 4 failures, I’m tackling the 12 Week Year...Again.

I think I owe that to Catie 5 years from now.

This summer has been a whirlwind of nights spent under the stars, unexpected adventures, and pizza sandwiches around the campfire (ps. dip them in ranch and thank me later).

What this summer has not been is super productive.

It’s been fun, but this girl loves to work, and this girl also needs some work on this freaking house to get done.

So why not challenge myself to a 12-week brand deep dive while I guide my 1:1 mentees through theirs?

Here’s how I’m creating time, consistency, and accountability for myself in the next 12 weeks:

  • Getting organized AF: I spent the weekend updating my Notion (it’s more beautiful than ever), organizing boxes, and organizing our makeshift kitchen and bedroom. Living and working while under construction is hard AF. The easier I can make running my life and business.
  • Accountability partner: Kyle (my partner) is doing the 12-Week Year with me. I kind of skipped that whole accountability thing in the past, and I think the more communication there is with each other regarding the personal and professional goals we have right now, the better.
  • Showing up imperfectly: I'm working on creating weekly vlogs about my rebrand process. It's messy, it's real, and it's happening.
  • Clarity is everything: I'm getting crystal clear on my content themes and POV, processes, and SOPs regarding building a brand, documenting them, and then running CJ through the gambit. I’ve already done a lot of the foundational and strategic work, but I want CJ’s strategy to be as comprehensive as what I’ve created for my clients.

pencil it in



let's work together

>> Apply to be a Beta Tester: I'm currently taking applications for my 12-week brand mentorship program, perfect for coaches, creators, and service providers who need 1:1 support & feedback in building their brand but aren't in a season for "done for you" packages. Only five spots are available & I'm accepting applications through August 25th.

>> Book a 60m Strategy Call With Me: These Strategy sessions are a great way to get clear on your brand's next steps and are perfect for creators, coaches, and service providers who want to create more consistency in their brand in their business.

>> Design your Brand with Cedar June: Build a brand that feels authentic to you with 1:1 help from yours truly :) Together, we can design a brand strategy, identity, and/or website that aligns with your brand's long-term vision & short-term goals.

❤ Loving The Weekly Drop-In?

Share your thoughts, feedback, or even suggestions for future topics. I value your input and can't wait to hear from you. Please email me at, and let's keep the conversation going!

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4416 south bennett hgts, Batavia, NY 14020
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The Weekly Drop In

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