How to get your brand off the back burner (without burning out)

There's nothing quite like staring at a giant hole where your living room floor used to be. 😱

The endless hours I've spent watching HGTV taught me by the time I was 12 that foundational and structural issues equal a BIG problem for your house.

House Hunters, Flip or Flop, Chip & Joanna are also to blame for the manifestation of my current life—renovating a "worst house on the block" fixer upper that doesn't even have good bones.

Which brings us to this moment.

See, when we first bought our house, we knew there was a "moisture problem" in the basement.

What we didn't know?

There had never been a proper drainage system installed. Plus, it had been added onto over the last almost 100 years—the "bandaid fixes" that the previous owners had made only worsened things. Now, 80% of our floor joists were completely rotted.

You're probably thinking, "What a fucking nightmare," and you aren't wrong.

But here's the kicker: chances are, it's a nightmare you've created in your own business. 🤯

Just like a house needs a strong foundation, your brand needs a solid strategy before you start slapping on those pretty surface-level improvements.

When you first built your business, you probably cut a couple of corners (you might not have even known you did it).

Over time, you added on, got busy, put bandaids on some of your brand's structural problems—and swore you'd get it done another day.

But now, the end of the year is approaching. It's back-to-business season, and after a summer of early (or non-existent) Fridays living your best entrepreneur lives, it's time to make some shit happen.

Maybe you've got:

  • Website updates
  • New Copy
  • A welcome sequence
  • Or a new offer

That has been in the back of your head, on a sticky note somewhere on your desk, or a Notion dash on your MacBook since spring.

Now, you're ready to take your brand off the back burner— (without burning out). 🔥

Here's where a lot of people go wrong:

They invest in the audience-facing side of their brand—the surface-level bandaids like:

  • A shiny new logo or visual identity
  • Redesigning their website (again)
  • Creating new social media graphics
  • Updating their business cards or marketing materials

...with the impression that those things will make their brand more money. Meanwhile, under the surface, there are foundational steps and structural issues that you haven't addressed.

Let me tell you a secret: Without strategy, websites, content, and offers don't convert—no matter how pretty they are.

Putting your clients first, moving your brand tasks to the next week, and tweaking surface-level things in the hopes that your brand will finally click isn't working anymore.

It's only creating more work in the long run, and it isn't very fulfilling either.

Keep Reading For Newsletter Highlights

  • 🍳 How to get your brand off the back burner (without burning out)
  • 🔎 Five free ways to clarify your offer
  • 🏗️ Actionable strategies to beef up your brand's foundations

How to get your brand off the back burner without burning out

Reader are you ready to take your brand out of maintenance mode and get back to growing your audience & launching new offers?

The key to taking your brand off the back burner without burning out is clarity & strategy.

Before you get distracted by the "shiny object syndrome" of a new website template, brand color, or course that you hope will solve all your problems - let's beef up your Brand's foundations with these four steps:

Step #1: Get clear on your Vision 🔮

Take some time (or morning pages) to reflect on where you want your brand, business, and lifestyle to be in 3 to 5 years. Then, reverse engineer that vision into short-term goals that set you up in the right direction.

Step #2: Get clear on your offers and ideas 💡

I bet you've got a few ideas simmering on the back burner. Before you pour time, energy, or cash into the customer-facing side of your brand—especially if you're aiming to boost conversions—make sure clarity isn't your real stumbling block. Clarify your existing offers and what ideas you want to bring to life and launch next.

Step #3: Map out your promo periods 📅

What timeframe do you want your different offers to be promoted in? When do you need to start talking about your offers? This is an especially important step in new offers that you'll need to ideate, design, develop, and test before they launch.

Step #4: Create an action plan 📝

Once you have your priorities mapped out, it's as simple as picking the first thing on your calendar and project planning what you need to do to make it happen regarding your brand.

JK. ↑That↑ is the hardest part. 😅

But don't worry, I've got you covered

Ready to take your brand off the back burner without getting burnt out?

Join the waitlist for The Solo-Creator's Design & Strategy Subscription!

Each month, you'll receive a value-packed email with actionable tips to help you strategically manage, grow, and evolve your brand.

For $33 bucks a month, you'll get

  • Three mini-masterclasses on design, tech, and strategy
  • 5 AI prompts and tips to supercharge your content creation
  • 3 Exclusive Notion templates to streamline your brand management
  • Option to request specific content tailored to your needs

Whether you're looking to level up your design skills, master AI for business, or need a guiding hand in your brand strategy, this subscription has got your back. 👌

Early birds on the waitlist score these perks:

  • A sweet 20% discount
  • A pre-recorded bonus Notion AI workshop

dig deeper

five free ways to clarify your offer

create your action plan

Click the link below for access to a gallery of my favorite free notion templates, including The Ultimate Website Build checklist, Brand Reflection & Clarity Prompts, and the NEW Brand Vision Template.

talk it out

Book a 60m Strategy Sesh to talk about the Strategy First moves you need to make to get your Brand off the back burner and where to invest your time and energy to see the most impact and return on your brand.

1:1 brand build

2024 is almost booked! If you want to dig deep, take your brand off the back burner with 1:1 help before the new year. Click the link below to learn more about my 1:1 services

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