Saying "Hello" to my Champagne year

Hey there Reader,

Today, we are celebrating the first Yearly Drop of the New Year.

And I’m not going to lie; I have been looking forward to THIS YEAR.

2024 to be exact.

This year, I’ll turn 30 on the 30th (so it’s my champagne year), I’ll celebrate my third year in business, and Kyle & I will be celebrating eight years together.

Don’t ask me what it is, but the starts, woo woo, and my gut tells me this will be a good year.

And to kick it off, I’m giving myself the next few weeks to do one of my **very** favorite things.

Setting goals & planning for the year ahead.

That includes:

✓ Setting goals and creating new habits with Kyle

✓ Setting financial goals for my business

✓ Planning for travel, & personal hobbies

✓ Setting Brand Goals for the year ahead

✓ Creating my yearly growth & content strategies

and getting super clear on my vision for a year I have been looking forward to for so long.

In true Cedar June Fashion, I'm sharing all the behind-the-scenes (and then some) with you in today's newsletter.

Keep Reading For Newsletter Highlights

  • New Year Vibes → My favorite reads for New Year planning & Goal Setting
  • For Brands that have been hard at work all year → Audit & Reflect on 2023
  • 2024 is going to be YOUR year → How to create a Growth & Content Strategy for 2024
  • Behind the Brand → My Annual Planning Checklist
  • A Note From Catie → Now Booking 2024 services

behind the brand

2024 Planing Checklist & Resource Roundup

Let's be real: we are all easing back into work, so I will give it to you straight.

Here's my 2024 Planning checklist

It is a basic checklist meant to inspire you to create an intentional plan for the year ahead in your life & biz.

And my 2024 Planning Resource Roundup

It is a roundup of all my favorite yet simple planner gal things, reads for the new year & digital planning platforms I can't live without.



I'm kicking off my week of planning & plotting with a deep dive and review of 2023.

The best part?

You can join in!

Subscribe to the FREE 3-part brand audit. You’ll get three consecutive days of emails with a 15-minute video lesson and an actionable worksheet inside to help you audit your brand.

Inside, you'll learn:

✓ How to create an end-of-year brand review and evaluate the success and growth of your brand.

✓ How to profoundly understand your audience with analytics and research techniques that refine your brand's focus.

✓ How Evaluating and optimizing your content across platforms enhances engagement and saves you time.

✓ How to measure the real impact of your brand, assessing conversion metrics and long-term effects.

↓Sign up and get started today↓


it's time to plan

*steal my framework for creating a yearly brand growth plan

And no, I don’t mean moving into a new planner and setting SMART goals for the new year; anyone can tell you how to do that.

Inside the annual workshop, The Yearly Drop-In, we are focusing on the plan you have in place for how you will manage your brand.

Join the Exclusive Yearly Drop-In Workshop ✨ LIVE 1/12 - Where we will create a plan for your brand together.

In this 4 part interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to:

✓ Find clarity & create a vision for the year ahead.

✓ Set Brand Goals you can actually achieve & break them down over the year

✓ Schedule launches and promo periods in advance so you’re not scrambling to figure out the next step for your brand

✓ Create Your Yearly Content Strategy, determine the platforms and frequency for creating content, and align it with your audience's needs and interests.

The workshop will include:

  • Opportunities for 1:1 feedback, & live exercises.
  • Templates, worksheets, & digital tools to aid in goal setting, scheduling, and content planning.

Forge a comprehensive plan that inspires and leads to tangible, impactful growth, Register for The Yearly Drop-In Workshop.

a note from catie

I am so happy the holiday madness is over.

Everyone talks about "that week between Christmas & New Year," but I only had one day that week without something going on.

Not that I'm not thankful to see family & friends, but this extroverted introvert NEEDS time alone.

I am so thankful to be back into the swing of work & working from inside our house! Yippie! Pinch me! This has been a long time coming.

I can't wait to get back to connecting with all of you - here's how you can learn from or work with me in Q1 of 2024↓


DIY your Brand Audit & Annual Review


Create a Brand Growth Strategy for 2024


Work With Me 1:1.

Are you loving The Weekly Drop-In?

Thanks for sticking around this month as I experiment and let this newsletter evolve.

Share your thoughts, feedback, or even suggestions for future topics. I value your input and can't wait to hear from you. Please email me at, and let's keep the conversation going!

Catch up on social | Get some inspo | Subscribe | Apply to work with me

4416 south bennett hgts, Batavia, NY 14020
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The Weekly Drop In

Start your week with intentional branding & business editorial delivered straight to your inbox.

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