someone needs to tell you it's worth the upgrade

Half of this train car is filled with Amish people, and there isn’t an open window seat in sight. I’ve got 7 hours to go.

I purposely chose to take the train instead of flying, with the goal of getting a ton of work done and putting myself into a 0 distraction zone.

The train ride was supposed to be the pièce de résistance of my six-day fun and rest-filled work-cation.

For only 80 dollars, I could have been way more comfortable (and let's be real - alone) on the ride from Boston → home.

I would have had a designated window seat, my own bathroom, and an attendant who I could ask questions & get to bring me food.

100% would have been worth the upgrade.

But coach was “fine”. It “would do”. I would “make it work”.

Did I mention I am working on my money mindset?

Now, I’m crossing my fingers for a window seat to open up, trying to get some work done with a tray table that's just a little too far away, dreading the walk to find the cafe car when I get hungry enough, and daydreaming of what roomette life could have looked like for only 80 dollars more.

You’ve probably experienced the same phenomena in your business.

You commit to the "make it work plan - but instantly regret not making your life just a little easier.

Dare I say a little more comfortable?

Sure, you can do it yourself.

But wouldn’t that upgrade be worth it?

Keep Reading For Newsletter Highlights

  • Behind the Brand → 3 signs it's time to upgrade your website
  • A Note From Catie → Grand Brand Gestures
  • Need Help? → Free resources, Consults & Now Booking 1:1 :)

3 signs it’s time to upgrade your website

Does this sound anything like you? ↓

If upgrading (or finally finishing) your website is on your list of brand goals this year, here are three signs that it's time to stop “making it work.”



You don’t have a website (or its bare bones), and having a pro give you a detailed plan of what pages, content, and brand elements you’ll need to build your site would help you finally check your site off your DIY to-do list.


Your website is outdated & you know it, but what you don’t know is where to start. If you had someone who knew the lay of the land & could help you identify what is working on your site & where it needs work - you would feel clear & confident about the next best steps for your brand.


You DIYed your site - and you want to know what a designer would do to take it to the next level. You are considering a re-design but don’t know if its really “worth it” and you want a better idea of your sites potential before you can move forward with a plan.

Did I just get inside your head?

Your website is an essential part of your brand! It’s where your messaging, offers, and identity combine to create a branded user experience and convert someone in your audience to a subscriber or, even better, client/customer.

When it comes to your site, an upgrade is worth the investment.

Ready to get to work? New from Cedar June - book a website strategy session!

Here’s how it works: You schedule a 90-minute session, and I get to work behind the scenes. I'll review & analyze everything on your existing site (no matter how much or little you have done)—from copy to content, SEO to design—and create a detailed action plan so you know where to invest your money and time to upgrade it for 2024.

4 spots are now open for April!

Ready to hand your website off to my capable, creative, and experienced hands? I’m booking a limited number of 1:1 design and content containers this spring and summer. Click here to book a complimentary discovery call, and let’s talk more about your project.

a note from catie

Why take a workcation - or a 10 hour train ride for that matter?

It all started with the idea of “the grand gesture,” something you can dig deeper into in the book Deep Work - by Cal Newport.

The distractions at home are real and have been the #1 thing I’ve struggled with behind the scenes in Q1. So this workcation and train ride was a grand gesture to my business—a radical change to my environment, coupled with an investment dedicated to helping me get ahead instead of feeling behind.

I’ve rested, explored, walked, slept, batched content, tied up loose ends & worked - and I’ve still got this train ride to get shit done. It’s a full moon & the nighttime grind vibes will be in full force.

If you’re interested in making a grand gesture for your brand, I highly recommend you read Deep Work and, even better, book a 1:1 session with Cedar June.

Here’s what’s open right now ↓

build your brand


Fill out this quick feedback form for 20% off your order in the CJ Shop

Check it out →


NEW Website Strategy Sessions - 4 spots in April

Snag your spot→


1:1 brand design & content marketing containers

Schedule A Discovery Call →

Ps. You can still get the Yearly Drop-In Brand Planner in The Cedar June Shop :) Just cuz it's March doesn't mean it's too late to plan/set goals for this year! Consultation add-ons will no longer be available after March 31st.

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Share your thoughts, feedback, or even suggestions for future topics. I value your input and can't wait to hear from you. Please email me at, and let's keep the conversation going!

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